Improve work efficiency — build up CI for your “Team”

Hoca Chen
2 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Ethan Medrano on Unsplash

Let’s talk about why I want to share this one to you.

Two purposes from beginning:

  1. Auto re-build the solution. Any fail happen, fire mail to member that last code commit.
  2. Auto run unit-test when new code checkin. Yes, send mail to member who broken it.

What me met before. We are a software team that member coming from different country. We also mention same code in SVN. Due to time different of country, code will be modified in different time period. The situation happen when team member checkin/commit code but fail to compile in other team member. What we can do if saturation happen is revert back to the version that still working and send mail to member who may broken the code. In usual, it still can work around, but it may not work if we works on the same paragraph of code. This is a troublesome question for team. Therefore, this is first issue need to solve.

Next, need to solve item is running unit test. Unit test is a way to protect any code changed may broken original. Basically, every team member need run the unit test before checkin code. Unfortunately, the sometime member forgot do it. Fine, robot can do this job well. Idea is every code checkin, run unit test automatically and send mail to complain member who broken unit test. Every weekend, prepare the coverage information to every team member automatically.

CI system for me now is a good helper for avoid the issues that may coming from human error. CI system still have big space for help with team.

Welcome to share what your team do to improve efficiency of your team😊.



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