Book Review: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

Hoca Chen
3 min readAug 22, 2022


Photo by Olia 💙💛 Gozha on Unsplash

I read this book because our team met some issues about teamwork. My leader recommends us we can get some other thinking from this book. After reading, I realized there are several points similar to our team. Unfortunately, those dysfunctions still not been fixed until now.

  1. Trust (absence of trust)

I will say this is a topic easier said than done. It also depends on personality. From my observation, the orientals are easier to keep doubt beginning. It need to get the trust until prove. The occidental is just the opposite. But both have the same feature, if you lose the trust, you need double or even triple the time and effort to get the trust back.

From my point, the trust needs to start with its own team first. Google has finished researching the topic “What makes a Google team effective?”. The first one is “Psychological safety”. Members can take risks on this team without feeling insecure or embarrassed. How possible to reach it? Yes, “trust”, that is no way around. Honest, and sharing weaknesses, are all good ways to build trust in the team. Sharing weaknesses is not really easy part. Everyone always starts to think about how to protect themself, exposure the weaknesses will bring insecurity. But it is just a way that I am sharing weaknesses with others means I trust others. Then I can possibly get the other's trust back.

2. Conflict (fear of conflict)

"Constructive conflict" is a key to this state. Most people always avoid conflict in working. But as this book mentions, it may happen to complain under the table. This does not help the team at all. However, it is very easy to become figure a point if the member is not ready for facing conflict. The goal of conflict is to summarize the conclusion and for everyone agrees in the end.

3. Promise (lack of commitment)

The most important part of this one is everyone is on the same page and has personal responsibility. If the conclusion cannot be agreed, it is no chance for any promise. it has a relationship with Conflict.

4. Fainaigue (avoidance of accountability)

The most efficient way of accountability is from colleagues. If everyone is working in the same direction but only one is not, I believe he/she will feel strange. Other colleagues can get advice from him/her. It may be better than the leader.

5. Result (inattention to result)

The team result is most important than the personal result. It’s easy to think only about yourself. However, this kind of person is usually only can reach a limited level. It must be limit as possible as we can in the team about the priority of personal results is high than team results, because it will be a negative influence on all the team.

Team management is an easy job. It needs many ways to try and verify its result. This book really gives me a good example and a way to use our team. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

Hope this book also can help you if you also looking for some answers in management.



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